At Esperance Chocolates, we ensure to impart pleasure of the highest kind.
Any business enterprise starts with a small seed of thought, a tiny burst of inspiration. The enthusiastic atmosphere infused by inspiring air of the lively Goa spirit pumped the entrepreneurial instincts of a dynamic DDissha Soares. Based out of Candolim in Bardez district of Goa, DDissha always had a clear vision of being a successful person in her own right.
Being a banker in her early professional career, DDissha always contemplated different enterprising ventures in her tourism friendly state. The innate creative streak within compelled her to dabble in various business verticals since 2012. Handmade Chocolate making was one such novel activity. Rome was not built in a day and so does applies to any business. She looked upon every failure as a learning experience and kept moving ahead with new vigour.
Soon, Esperance Chocolates were a talk of the town and business started to bloom in every direction. The Handmade chocolate making creativity was reinforced with an enhanced business sense over a period of time. The product range was also increased and good response started to pour in from the tourist community as well.
Today we are consistently reaching out to a whole lot of satisfied handmade chocolate consumers across the nation and abroad with our strong online presence. Come what may, we make it a point to stay in sync with upcoming technologies to deliver top quality products. Always striving to provide the best of the best to our consumers, Esperance is at the forefront of its game.
We ensure to bring out the Chocoholic within you.